Bowling Leagues Are A Great Time!

At Holiday Bowl we have many different bowling leagues including traditional bowling leagues during the fall and winter. In the summer months, we have both doubles and singles leagues and a premium league which provide a bowling ball or bag of your choice at the end of the season!!

An extra benefit of bowling in a league are the perks Holiday Bowl provides:

  • Holiday Bowl Fall/Winter League Bowlers Get 5 Free Games On Sundays, a 25% Pro Shop Discount, and $1.50 per game open bowling from 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday. (Fall/Winter Sunday league bowlers can claim their free games on either Sunday or Monday)
  • Holiday Bowl Summer League Bowlers Get 5 Free Games On Saturdays, a 25% Pro Shop Discount, and $1.50 per game open bowling from 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday.

Holiday Bowl | Bowling Center Altoona, Pennsylvania
Early Bird Specials Bowler Discounts
Rock the House
Holiday League